
weekend: guests

There are few people in life that you feel totally yourself around. People you know will always support you no matter what. People you wish you could be with every weekend. 

Already planning our next trip to Austin.



In an effort to be thrifty (read: cheap), we jumped the band wagon and started making our own detergent. Borax, one of the three ingredients, is pretty controversial. Our research deemed it safe (it is a natural ingredient) and please ... bleach is still on store shelves. Borax is the least of my worries.
The clothes smell fresh (almost lemon-y) when in the washer. They smell clean but unscented when taken out of the dryer -- perfect! 
And wow ... we are saving so much money by using this stuff. You only need 1 tablespoon for a large load of laundry!

We followed the recipe/directions from Yellow Brick Home (I'm obsessed with this blog. I want a Sauce portrait so bad!)