Lots of progress on the sunroom. Really the only thing left to do is caulk/paint the molding and throw on some outlet covers. Then we'll move the piano in and pick up a desk. Happy days!

Thanks to our friends Dave and Dan for digging (literally) out the beautiful brick wall.
Would you just look at that radiator!? So pretty. Ignore the white pipe next to it... that will be gone and drywalled in at some point. We are just going to paint it white for now (and get rid of the rust spots with some sealer).
Trying to figure out what to do for window coverings -- I would normally just stick to my go-to IKEA roller blinds but the three windows will be tricky. I can't do floor-length curtains either since the radiator is directly under the front window. Decisions decisions...
Josh thought of reclaiming some of the old molding for the doorway. I think it'll look really nice!
looking good! remember the day that you scrubbed the brick wall and it got through the hole in the ceiling?! distant memory now that you have a beautiful room :-)