Summer is a really weird season for me. For some reason, I have zero motivation to cook or take part in physical activity. Pretty much the only physical activity I want to do is swim and leisurely ride bikes.
With all that said, I regularly find myself in a slump after work and end up eating unhealthy stuff for dinner. It's bad and I feel bad ... all around. I'm going to talk to Josh and getting into a workout routine together -- I've been putting off talking to him about it because I know he'll push me to do it. So this is my way of putting it out there to the universe so I have to do it.
There are so many amazing fruits and vegetables in season right now. These cherry tomatoes literally taste like candy. During the school year I'm so good about staying on a schedule -- on Sunday morning I meal plan for the week, shop, and then cook/prep a few meals. I need to find a way to make this work in the summer by finding really easy, quick, and healthy things to make. Who wants to stand in a hot kitchen cooking?
Oh, and another thing. I would like to give up chocolate for awhile (I have a drug-like dependency on it). I have tried giving it up a few times -- it's hard at first but in a few weeks I get used to it.
Let's see how this goes. I will check back in next week for an update ... hopefully Josh will survive "me without chocolate".